Code of Conduct
Members of the Isle of Wight Care Partnership agree to observe the following code of conduct:
To act in such a manner as to enhance the reputation of service providers in the health and social care sector. In particular, as a member of the Isle of Wight Care Partnership, to act in such a way as to safeguard the reputation of the organisation.
To provide a standard of care that encourages a high quality of life for people, within their physical, intellectual and emotional potential, and taking their individual needs into account.
To provide a quality and caring environment, promoting a positive culture such as described in the document ‘Making Safeguarding Personal - ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’ (NHS England & DH) and to administer the service in a professional, proper and safe manner.
To adhere to all legislative and agency requirements and regulations and to keep proper records in accordance with these.
To be honest, ethical and sympathetic in all dealings with those being cared for, their affairs, their family and friends.
To encourage and enable Registered Managers to meet together to share good practise and innovation.
To uphold the current policies of the Isle of Wight Care Partnership.
To support effective co-operation between providers of care and commissioners in order to develop sustainable solutions to the challenges of providing care for people and to promote best practice.
To encourage and facilitate the monitoring of the service provision by officers of the Partnership whenever required and to provide appropriate information about the service on request.
To ensure proper procedures are in place to sustain the business, the quality care of the individual and the well-being of the staff.
To encourage and support a philosophy of continuous quality improvement in health and social care provision and life-long learning in staff.